The Hummer House
21301 Toe Nail Trail
Christoval, TX 76935

Camp Discovery

“Camp Discovery is our way of providing a place where children and their adult sponsors can further their knowledge of Mother Nature in the midst of God’s amazing handiwork.”     Cathy Brown

For many years, Dan and I contributed our time and resources to several outdoor education programs held at the HEB Foundation Camp near Leakey, Texas. We no longer participate in HEB Camp but love the concept of outdoor education. With this in mind, The Hummer House hosted the first annual Camp Discovery for the 4th graders of Christoval ISD on May 7, 2012. With the success of the first camp, Camp Discovery is now held for Christoval ISD 4th graders the third Tuesday in May every year. Each class is taught by a guest presenter who is very knowledgeable in their field. It is our hope that other schools will look at the natural resources surrounding them and implement similar camps in their districts.